Account Deletion
Account and Data Deletion Request
In compliance with Google Play’s User Data policy, we are committed to ensuring that our users have control over their personal data. If you wish to delete your account and any associated data, please follow the instructions below:
1. Submit a Deletion Request: Click on the following link to submit a request for account and data deletion:
2. Verification Process: Once you submit the request, you will receive an email to verify your identity. Please follow the instructions in the email to complete the verification process.
3. Data Deletion Timeline: Upon successful verification, we will process your request and delete your account and associated data within 5 working days in accordance with our data retention policy.
4. Important Note: Please be aware that once your account is deleted, this action cannot be undone. You will lose access to all data associated with your account.
For any questions or further assistance, please contact our support team.